This will take a lot of Ethanol, so to learn the best ways to make Ethanol fast in Far Cry New dawn, head over to our Far Cry New Dawn Ethanol Guide. You’ll need to level up your Weapons Bench in order to be able to craft them. The very best weapons in Far Cry New Dawn are Epic Weapons. We’ve broken them up by weapon rank, as you’ll likely want to have a good range of different killing machines. To help you plan out your arsenal, we’ve listed all of the weapons you can get in Far Cry New Dawn below. 50 - This silenced sniper rifle packs a real punch, and allows you to decimate an outpost from afar. This one is unstoppable, able to tear through even the most armored of vehicles like soft cheese.

It has very low recoil, a great scope, and a screwdriver on the end.